DARK POETRY – “We are Faith” by Tina McFarlane

As I stand looking at
a land of broken spirits

It’s hard to see
past despair and anger

The pointing of fingers
and the silence of neighbours

Mornings broken by
loss of sleep and inspiration
Where hours bleed into days
days into weeks

A cycle of life
with no direction

We see the clouds
but ignore the stars

We harbour hope
but dash it upon the rocks
when we feel it’s not enough

So what are we?

We are faith

The strongest at our weakest

A pillar of sand turned stone
when crushed by circumstance

We feel left behind when
we see the universe
move on without us

But can still feel joy
at its infinite wonders

For whatever fate lays before us
in its storms and fears
we see our world

And for a moment
in all its grandness
it feels a little smaller

In all its fury
it still gives us beauty

And in all our loss
we still find hope

And with each gentle glow
we build a fire
that will burn enough
to warm us all


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About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.